Physical activity is very important for your toddler!

Nowadays kids don’t really know how to get off the couch and go out to play. All they want to do is be on the laptop or phones. As technology has swiftly taken over our lives, it has also made an impact on our kids. This is why, we as parents need to take charge in this situation and encourage our kids to leave their beloved couches and phones, to go out and play.
Physical activities have a great impact on a child’s growth, both physically and mentally. 2-12 is the most crucial age for a child when it comes to their growth. Kids must experience loads of physical activities like cycling, swimming, running, playing etc. to enhance their physique and mental development. Going to play games, ride a bicycle or do any of such activities makes your child think about their actions, they become more aware of their surroundings and their motor skills keep getting better.
Funride & Dash Toys has a wide range of Tricycles, Scooters, Swings, Cars and so much more for your kids. These physical activity inclined toys and rides will really make your toddler want to leave the phone and go out to play with their fun rides and do fun activities. Funride & Dash Toys products offer accessories like storage basket, water bottle with bottle holder, adjustable parental handle, adjustable footrest, safety hand rest, safety seat belt, LED lights and adjustable umbrella hood. Toys stimulate a child’s senses through touch, sound, appearance and so on, and it is important to keep these senses active to the children from an early age.