Baby Winter Care

Baby Winter Care

Newborn babies need a lot of care and support during the winter season, especially until the point they can sustain themselves on their own. This becomes even becomes a priority in the winter season. The drop in temperature can trigger various changes in the body so, to support the immunity system of babies, here are…

6 Physical Activities To Get Your Child Fit & Healthy

6 Physical Activities To Get Your Child Fit & Healthy

In this digital age, today’s kids are more interested in video games. With the advent of screens, getting kids away from digital gadgets is a huge task in itself – let alone encouraging them to go outside and play actively. And with so many attention-grabbing and interesting digital games, we can’t blame the kids, can…

Kill the boredom, Get a Fun Ride!

Kill the boredom, Get a Fun Ride!

Toys are simple objects that children use to entertain themselves while simultaneously exploring the world around them, educating themselves, role-playing, and learning to express their emotions. They are always inputting information from their surroundings. Toys give kids another avenue to explore science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.  Children who spend hours in wonderful play with…