6 Physical Activities To Get Your Child Fit & Healthy

In this digital age, today’s kids are more interested in video games. With the advent of screens, getting kids away from digital gadgets is a huge task in itself – let alone encouraging them to go outside and play actively.

And with so many attention-grabbing and interesting digital games, we can’t blame the kids, can we?

And we already know how dangerous it could be for kids’ health.

So what should one do now, ban electronic gadgets for your kid? 

No, that won’t be a solution! We’re pretty sure it can have the opposite effect. It can lead to an increase in the rebellious behavior of your child.

Also, we cannot allow our children to be unfit and unhealthy! 

But we can make physical as funny and exciting as video games.

We have exercise game ideas for both indoor and outdoor fun, so take a look at the list below!

1). Races: This is an extremely common, but interesting physical activity. You can organize a race in a yard or area of your home for your child and his or her friends with a small prize.

You can make these races more exciting by getting a little creative. You can have a three-legged race, a one-legged race, a jump walk race, a crab walk race, etc.

You can also organize races using our toy products like trikes, scooters, baby cars, etc.

2). Sports: Every child will almost always show a natural inclination towards a sport. You can find that out by paying attention to what they see and what kind of video games they play.

Play this particular game with them often. Even enroll them in a class and ask them to try it out for your school team.

3). Gardening: Simple activities like gardening fills us with excitement. It helps us to relieve our stress, and along with that, it is a great exercise for our kids.

If you don’t own a garden, just take some pots, some soil, and some plants and ask your kids to fill the pots themselves!

4). Obstacle course: This is an exciting way of physical exercise! 

Use some furniture and some chalk to carve out a path from the inside of your house to the garden or the corridor outside.

Add challenges to the course. You can add a puzzle to solve, a vast area to be crossed without touching the ground, etc.

5). Walk: Walking is great for our body. It helps to strengthen bones and muscles and increase muscular endurance. But kids generally won’t do it unless there’s some level of excitement added to it. So try to make it a little interesting.

If you have a pet animal, you along with your kid can take it for walking, you may take your kid with you for buying groceries. 

Walk as much as you can with your kids.

6). Dance: By far the most simple and fun-filled activity to do, to get that daily cardio workout.

Just put on some music, get some preferably healthy snacks, and gather up your kid’s friends! You can now enjoy your very own kid’s dance party.   

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